Buy now pay later with Klarna & Affirm


We will only ship orders to the billing address associated with the purchasing credit/debit card OR the address confirmed on your PayPal account. After your order is fulfilled and packaged, it will be shipped via USPS. All domestic packages will require signature confirmation. Orders generally ship Monday through Friday only. Saturday delivery may be available for an additional charge. Sunday and holiday deliveries are not available. Multiple items ordered under a single order may not always ship together. In the case of multiple shipments for an order, you will not be charged any additional shipping fees. To ensure a safe and secure delivery of your order, we do not ship to P.O. boxes.

For returns, if you are shipping an item over $75, you should consider using a trackable shipping service or purchasing shipping insurance. We don’t guarantee that we will receive your returned item. 

Orders are processed Monday- Friday. Orders that are placed on weekends and Holidays are processed the next business day. All Orders are shipped via USPS. The shipping rate is contiguous to 48 U.S. states priced at $39. Shipping to Alaska, Hawaii, Guam may be subject to higher shipping fees.


Please allow 1-3 business days for order processing and verification, and an additional 1-3 business days for domestic delivery.

All Orders will be shipped with signature required confirmation.We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged shipments. The buyer assumes all responsibilities of claims made with the shipping carrier.

Dynast Collect cannot reimburse OR re-ship orders that were mis-delivered by the post office or stolen from a property. Thank you for understanding! 

We cannot and will not change or intercept a package to alter the delivery.

We will only ship to address provided at checkout.

Please send us an email at for any concerns or questions.